Emergency Food Prep and Storage Tips: When the Disaster Happens, Are You Ready?

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Are the zombies coming or are we heading for some kind of apocalypse? Do you live in an area where weather is always a factor and you could lose your home or have to go days and sometimes weeks without power, like several states did during hurricanes in the past several years. Doom and gloom is not always a way to prepare for things to come but you have to take stock in preparing for some kind of emergency, just in case.

Why Prepare?

Emergency supplies are very important in the event of a catastrophe. There are so many things that you should have in an emergency kit but you have to give good thought about how to protect your goods and food. It will become quickly obvious that you cannot leave things open to the elements because they could become wet or moist. Everything should be kept in airtight containers like these to help them from becoming ruined. Even non-food items should be kept in air tight containers which not only helps moister from getting to them but helps make everything uniform for stacking and easy access.

Food items are hard to think about when you are considering the worst possible scenario. A big item that people don’t realize is awesome to have on hand is coconut oil. Coconut oil has a shelf life for over two years, longer than any other kind of oil. Coconut oil also has wonderful qualities that can be used for almost everything. Coconut oil is used during cooking but can also be used on the outside of your body and can be used as a health supplement when consumed by the spoonful. Coconut oil is a must have for any survivalist putting together an emergency preparedness kit.

Must-Have Food Items

Storing things properly is important and there are several things that can last indefinitely if stored properly. Salt, sugar, raw honey, and Alcohol can all last indefinitely and are all important to have on your list for survival. Things like wheat and corn carry a shelf life of ten to twelve years and take very little to make you feel full. Oats, beans, barley and lentils are all nutritionally sound and good to have on hand. Those items will last around eight to ten years and will stay fresh as long as they are properly stored.

Food storage, what to store, what to buy and what to keep on hand for everyday tasks, is not something that you can run on and do on the weekend. Once you have realized that you need to start putting things aside and creating an emergency kit, you need to start off small and do as much research as possible. Containers, both plastic and glass, with screw on lids, are very important items for your kit. Containers where the lid can be removed and put back is very important because it helps to store large quantities of product in smaller allotments.

Proper food storage containers are important because things like salt, flour, sugar, rice, seeds, and dried beans are all store bought in containers that will not last as long as the actual product will. Transferring products from their original packaging into smaller glass or plastic containers will prevent bugs, critters, and moister from invading your supply.

Plan and Prepare Now

Begin your disaster food storage journey with lists and planning. Now is the time to start preparing for everything you will need. Make sure to have a good secure spot when you are storing your emergency supply. Don’t forget the bottled water and the small non-food essentials that you are going to need as well. Toilet paper, soaps, lighters and bandages should also all be stored in good, solid containers. Everything needs to be thoroughly marked and dated and remember the very important “first in, first out” rule.

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